Female Student at Student Services Center

Welcome to the Business Office

The LAVC Business Office is the last step in the student registration process. It collects all registration fees, including student parking permit fees and issues the student Registration Receipt. The Business Office is located in the Student Union Building, Room #143.

Tuition & Fees Information

Pay student fees online

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Cranium Café Help Desk available Monday-Friday 8:00am–3:45pm


Why stand in line? Save time! pay on-line!

You can now pay your student fees by Debit/ATM card or Credit Card online through the LACCD Student Information System. Student can come into the Business office and pay their fees by cash, cashiers check and money order.

Free Metro GoPass for LAVC Students

Students enrolled at Los Angeles Valley College can now get a FREE Metro GoPass, which allows them to ride Metro buses and trains at no charge!   Learn more 

Student Parking On-Campus

Student parking permits/daily passes ARE REQUIRED for student spaces.  Student spaces will require a student parking permit displayed at all times; there is currently a grace period in effect for student spaces only, permits will be required beginning February 24, 2025.  Faculty/Staff permits are required for faculty/staff spaces at all times. 

Student parking permits can be purchased in the Business Office.  If a student purchases their parking permit online, they will need to come to the Business Office to pick it up in person.  If the student is unable to pick up the parking permit in person, please email the Business Office at businessoffice@jayconscious.com to request alternate arrangements.  Students may only park in a student assigned space and must display their parking permits.  Please do not park in Faculty/Staff spaces - special permits are required for these spaces.  All parking rules will be enforced.  

Electrical Vehicle Charging - Must pay $5 daily for an EV Parking Station Permit to display in your car for ALL SEMESTERS (no grace period for this permit).

2024 1098-T Tax Statement

A 1098-T IRS form is issued to eligible students who paid out-of-pocket “qualified educational expenses” in the preceding tax year.

  • Qualified educational expenses include enrollment fees and nonresident tuition fees only.
  • Students who received California College Promise Grant (CCPG), formerly known as BOG Fee Waiver, to cover enrollment fees do not qualify to receive 1098-T forms.
  • Students with incorrect Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in the Student Information System (SIS) will not receive a 1098-T form. Please contact the Admissions & Records Office to update the SSN/TIN, and notify the Business Office of the update.

1098T 2024 Instructions

Fees Information

The California State Legislature mandates the collection of enrollment fees for public community college students. The fee prescribed by Section 72252 of the Education Code shall be forty six dollars ($46) per unit with no maximum per semester.  The additional enrollment fee for Baccalaureate Program upper division courses is eighty four dollars ($84) per unit.  These fees are subject to change.

Enrollment fees must be paid at the time of registration.

Financial aid may be available to students who meet the qualification requirements. Students with questions concerning financial aid eligibility should contact the Financial Aid Office.

For other than short term classes, a full refund of the enrollment fee will be made up to the end of the second week of class. Thereafter, no refund is authorized except when college action to cancel or reschedule a class necessitates the drop.

For short term classes, a full refund is authorized up to the end of a period of time equal to 10% of the total class time. Thereafter, no refund is authorized except when college action to cancel or reschedule a class necessitates the drop.

NOTE ON REFUNDS: All refunds of enrollment fees, non-resident tuition, parking, and A.S.U. membership must be formally requested by the student and submitted to the Business Office in person or by mail. All refunds will be in accordance with the published refund schedules and each claim must be requested no later than the 5th week of the semester in which instruction occurs.

To attend any of the Los Angeles Community Colleges as a resident of California, a student is required to have been a California resident for more than one year immediately preceding the “Residency Determination Date.” The “Residency Determination Date” is the day before classes begin. Residence is defined as a union of act and intent. (Additional regulations apply to non-United States citizens.)

The Board of Trustees adopted a non-resident tuition fee of $359 per semester unit (for 2024-2025) and $377 per semester unit (for 2025-2026) for students attending the District colleges who are non-residents of the state. Furthermore, for non-resident students who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country, the non-resident tuition fee is also $359 per semester unit fee (for 2024-2025) and $377 per semester unit fee (for 2025-2026) AND a $50 cash only application processing fee. Non-resident students must also pay the enrollment fee of the $46 per unit. These fees are subject to change each academic year.

LACCD Board Rule 8100.15 states that “students who are citizens and residents of a foreign country, or who are legally precluded from establishing residency in California, shall be entitled to exemption from nonresident fees on the basis of individual financial need in accordance with regulations adopted by the Chancellor. Such individual exemptions shall not be granted in excess of ten percent (10%) of the District’s students who are both citizens and residents of a foreign country in the applicable term. If you meet the eligibility requirements in question #9 on the Nonresident Tuition Fee Waiver Affidavit on the opposite side of this page, you may be eligible to receive a nonresident tuition exemption.

Nonresident students who were admitted as “Special Part Time Students Grades K-12” and enroll in more than six (6) units will be subject to the nonresident tuition fee for all units taken.

Resident students admitted as “Special Part Time Students Grades K-12” and enrolling in 11 or fewer units are exempt from enrollment fees charged for all terms (including summer) pursuant to Education Code section 76300.

Students who are citizens and residents of a foreign country, or who are legally precluded from establishing residency in California, shall be entitled to exemption from nonresident fees on the basis of individual financial need in accordance with regulations adopted by the Chancellor. Student who qualify can file a waiver request with the Admissions Office every semester/session.

Education Code section 68075.6 grants an immediate nonresident tuition fee exemption to eligible Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) holders and refugee students living in California. The nonresident tuition fee exemption is granted for one year from the date the individual began living in California.

The exemption applies to the following:

  • Iraqi citizens or nationals (and their spouses and children) who were employed by or on behalf of the United States Government in Iraq (Pub.L. No. 110-181, § 1244)
  • Afghan and Iraqi translators (and their spouses and children) who worked directly with the United States Armed Forces (Pub.L. No. 109-163, § 1059)
  • Afghanistan nationals who were employed by or on behalf of the U.S. government or in the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan (Pub.L. No. 111-8, § 602)
  • Refugee students admitted to the United States under Section 1157 of Title 8 of the United States Code

To apply for a Special Immigrant Visa holder or refugee nonresident tuition fee exemption, please visit the Admissions & Records Office and complete a Supplemental Residency Questionnaire. You must demonstrate both physical presence in California and provide documentation of your Special Immigrant Visa or refugee status.

The Los Angeles Community College District charges an $19 mandatory health fee per semester (Spring/Fall) and $16 per semester (Winter/Summer), payable to one campus only, to cover the costs of the Student Health Center at each college. This fee is subject to change.

If you are a member of a religious group that depends on prayer for healing, contact the office of the Vice President of Student Services in the Student Services Center (2nd Floor) for exemption procedures.

General health, emergency and first aid, as well as nonemergency physician services are available by appointment.  Psychological counseling is also available.

Health Fee Exemptions

Los Angeles Community College District policy exempts the following students from paying the student health fee: (a) students who depend exclusively on prayer for healing in accordance with the teaching of a bona fide religious sect, (b) students who are attending classes under an approved apprenticeship training program, (c) noncredit education students, (d) students enrolled in District colleges exclusively at sites where student health services are not provided, (e) students who are enrolled in District colleges exclusively through contract education, (f) Students admitted to the Los Angeles Community Colleges pursuant to Education Code Section 76001 as special part-time students who are concurrently enrolled in a public school district under the provisions of Board Policy 5010. Students exempted under the provisions of (b), (c), or (f) above are eligible to receive the services of the college health program; all other exempted students are not eligible to receive the services of the college health program, unless they opt to pay the fee.  Students taking only online or distance education classes can come to the Business Office to pay the respective semester health fee and will be able to receive the services of the college health program.

A optional $2 Student Representation Fee per semester is due at the time of registration. The fee was established exclusively to provide for the support of student representatives involved in governmental affairs. You may petition to be exempt from paying this fee based on religious, political, moral or financial reasons.  If students wish to opt-out of paying the $2 Student Representation Fee, they may sign in to the  MyCollege.laccd.edu student portal, click on the “Student Account” tile, followed by the “Account Services” drop down menu. Click on “ASO/Rep Fee Opt Out” link and then follow the instructions on the page.

Each student is encouraged to become a member of the Associated Student Organization. $10 for the Spring and Fall semesters; $3 for the Winter and Summer sessions. ASO membership enables students to join clubs, receive free printing, use the Lion's Den Game Room, and more. For more information, visit the LAVC Associated Student Union webpage.

Student parking permits/daily passes are now required for all Semesters. Students please remember to park in a student assigned spot only. Please do not park in Faculty/Staff spaces. All parking rules will be enforced.

For more information on the International Student Medical Insurance Fee, contact the International Students Office.

Regular length (Fall, Spring) Through second week of instruction
After second week of instruction
Full Tuition
No Refund
Regular length (Summer) Through first week of instruction
After first week of instruction
Full Tuition
No Refund
Short Term (less than regular length) Through 10 percent of class length
After 10 percent of class length
Full Tuition
No Refund


Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 3:45PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Student Union: Room 143
Download campus map with directions from the Business office to the Admissions office.


Email: @email
Phone: (818) 947-2318